Please call 303-659-8760 to schedule and appointment.
At Blue Ribbon Hearing and Tinnitus Center, we embrace new technology for helping people to hear better. When it comes to scheduling appointments, however, we do it the traditional way, via phone. We have decided that the best way to help a patient is by speaking with the person scheduling the appointment so that we schedule the appropriate amount of time and gather pertinent information to be prepared for the appointment. Online scheduling systems can be convenient, but in order to fulfill each patient’s unique needs, we have found scheduling by phone is best. We have the flexibility to fit patients in if there is an urgent matter, or to schedule after hour appointments if necessary.
Although we do welcome walk-ins when we are available, we also provide services outside of the office, so it is best to call first. Your call will go through an automated phone system (it has proven to be the most effective way to filter our robocalls and automated solicitations). If we do not answer, please leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible.
Thank you for letting us serve you and prove that we truly are “Dedicated to Your Best Hearing.”