Audiometric Evaluation (Hearing Test)--
Audiometric Evaluations- We perform all testing with a calibrated, state-of-the-art computerized audiometer utilizing both ear inserts and headphones to ensure the most accurate hearing test possible. Our testing includes air conduction, bone conduction, speech testing including speech threshold, MCL, UCL, word recognition and QuickSIN testing.
Hearing Screening
Hearing Screenings- Many individuals correctly assume they should have some form of audiometric baseline to refer to for future reference. Establishing a baseline is important for monitoring hearing changes over time. A simple air-conduction tone test is a quick and easy way to begin the process of monitoring your auditory health. The younger you are when you establish a baseline, the better you will be able to monitor changes. If you are not having any problems, you should have a screening every 5-10 years up until the age of 50. Anyone over the age of 50 should be tested at least every It is recommended that you have your hearing tested every 3 years. Anyone who is experiencing hearing loss should be tested annually.
Hearing screenings are generally very simple tone tests to determine what is the softest volume level you can hear sound at given frequencies. Prior to the tone testing, the ear canal is examined to ensure there is not a wax blockage or other obstruction, and that the tympanic membrane (ear drum) is visible and in good condition. Hearing Screenings will also help to identify other problems and help determine if further, more in-depth testing is required.
Hearing Aid Sales
Hearing Aid Sales- As an independent company, we work with multiple hearing aid manufacturers to ensure we have the best solution for each individual patient. Find out more about hearing aids by clicking here.
Hearing Aid Repair and Service
Hearing Aid Repair and Service-With over a decade of experience working with multiple types and styles of hearing aids, we have found that we can perform many repairs in office without having to send the hearing aids back to the manufacturer. We realize that for some, even a hour without a hearing aid can be life altering. Whenever necessary and possible, we will get you in the same day to ensure that you or your loved one does not have to go another day without hearing. Regular cleaning will decrease the need for repairs or more extensive service. However, given the small nature of the devices and components and the harsh environment that the ear canal and human body presents, all devices will need service at some point in time. Servicing a hearing aid includes cleaning or replacing microphone covers and wax guards, cleaning microphone areas, receivers, tubing, controls and battery compartments. Repairs may include electrical or physical/structural repairs to hearing aid cases, shells, and earmolds. Many times we can fix in the office what other practitioners routinely send back to the manufacturer.
Tinnitus Evaluation
Tinnitus Evaluation- Tinnitus is common for individuals with hearing loss, but has numerous possible causes. We will work with you to determine what may be causing your tinnitus and discuss options including FDA approved solutions as well as possible alternative treatments.
FDA Approved Tinnitus Solutions
FDA Approved Tinnitus Solutions- Tinnitus is an ailment that afflicts millions of people. The causes of tinnitus vary and although their are multiple alternative treatment solutions available from different types of healthcare providers, we utilize the only FDA approved solutions to help minimize and for some eliminate incessant ringing.
Custom Hearing Protection
Custom Hearing Protection-Hearing protection- Numerous inexpensive forms of hearing protection exist including earplugs and earmuffs. Yet these solutions are often not used, or not used effectively to the the nature of the situation or the shape of the person's ear canal. To be effective, hearing protection must fit in a way that ear canal is completely blocked or sealed to prevent acoustic energy from reaching the ear drum. No hearing protection eliminates all sound, but to be effective harmful sound pressure levels need to be decreased. Countless individuals have come to me and told stories of the day they lost their hearing or the day the ringing in their ears started. For nearly every one of them, it was due to loud noise exposure. I have heard stories of shooting, running chainsaws, jack-hammers, tile saws, hammering in enclosed areas, lawn mowers, and a host of other situations.
Ear Wax Removal or Cerumen Management
Ear Wax Removal- Ear wax is a natural, normal, and necessary part of a healthy ear canal. Most people do not need to have their ears cleaned. Many attempts at self cleaning, specifically with Q-tips, lead to impacted wax which then blocks the ear canal. Excessive or impacted wax can cause a conductive hearing loss by preventing sound waves from reaching the ear drum. We have also seen numerous cases of hearing loss due to damaged ear drums from individuals attempting to use Q-tips and other foreign objects to remove wax. For many who wear hearing aids, cerumen management is critical to successfully improving hearing loss amplification. Wax from the ear canal can clog hearing aid receivers leading to diminished hearing. Impacted wax in the canal can also block the output from the hearing aid. In most cases, we have the the capability to remove ear wax in the office or can refer you to a specialist who can remove it. We also have several OTC products available for ear wax management.
Earmold and Hearing Aid Modification
Earmold Modification- Custom earmolds are critical for many people. Hearing Aid Modification- A great fitting hearing aid begins with an accurate hearing test the perfect ear impression. Even with a perfect impression, however, sometimes unforseen issues such as excessive TMJ movement can lead to an uncomfortable fit. When this happens, the shell or earmold of the may need to be remade or modified. Correctly and effectively modifying a hearing aid or earmold is an art that requires the correct tools, experience and knowledge. Many providers who lack the time, tools, knowledge or experience to modify hearing aids will send the device or mold back to the manufacturer for remake or modification. Although a manufacturer this may be necessary or ineviteble in some cases, we will always try to make the modifications at the time of the appointment to limit the time without the hearing aids.
Hearing Aid Cleaning
Hearing Aid Cleaning-Every individual who purchases hearing aids from Blue Ribbon Hearing is instructed on the care, cleaning and maintenance of the hearing devices. Due to the extremely small nature of the devices and components, regular deep cleaning is recommended to ensure proper functionality and longer product life. Delayed or infrequent deep cleaning can lead to damaged components, corrosiosn, and premature failure of hearing devices. We have all the necessary equipment to professionally clean your devices to ensure peak performance and greater longevity.